Ask yourself this 1 question to change everything you want

Sep 4 / Maiiken Malicentto

This 1 question made the change within me and my business!

Maybe you are in the place right now where you know and feel that times and energies are changing world wide right now. 
You see and feel that what used to work for you in business and life in generel do not work anymore! 
But what the hack to do instead?? 
I got you. I know how it feels, because it's honestly not long time since I was in that exact place in life... I knew what I knew, but I didn't knew what I didn't knew. So how the hack would I know what to do different now? - I never done it before... right...
I cannot be the only one, and that's why I'll break this very important question for you to reflect on; 

"Are you burned out, or actually bored out?"

It hit like a stone fell off my heart the first time I got that question right in my face…

It was a bright summer morning and I've just turned on my computer few minutes ago to have a video meeting with my mentor at that time. It was like he just looked right through med before I even opened my mouth to speak, and I love when that happens! Because I do it naturally with my clients, but it touches me every time someone manage to do it with me. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about here. 
(More about that feeling another day) 

…All of a sudden it all made sense!
It clicked like puzzle pieces finding their own way to the right place.
(I see a Harry Potter kind of vision inside my mind right now.)

Something I’ve been surging for, for what felt like ages, but seemed unsolved, just got spotlighted in a split of a second 💡 

Have you ever tried looking for something at home for so long that you get frustrated to the point where you give up… and then it’s right in front of your nose… kinda like it found itself!
Or even better, like the universe is playing with you. 

Yeah that feeling 👆

That’s the feeling where everything 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀.

Not because we give up - but because of the feeling
👉 𝘯𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦. 𝘕𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵. 𝘕𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 ❤️‍🔥

When we get clarity in life and see things from a bigger perspective - from a neutral space - that’s where we start manifesting from and with purpose 🪬 

breaking News

When we act from a neutral place within ourself - that is where we stop forcing and start meeting the universe half way 💫

When we know - this is where we stop forcing and start attacking 

- I don't chase, I simply attract -

Is a sentence that will bring something new on every level entered. Here's a deeper understanding to it:

In the realm of personal growth and relationships, the phrase "I don't chase, I simply attract" holds profound significance. It encapsulates a mindset that prioritizes self-worth, confidence, and authenticity over pursuit and validation from others. Let's delve into why embracing this mindset is crucial and how it can positively impact various aspects of our lives.

Embracing Self-Worth

At its core, "I don't chase, I simply attract" is about recognizing and nurturing your own value. When you focus on becoming the best version of yourself—cultivating your passions, honing your skills, and refining your character—you naturally radiate confidence and authenticity. People are drawn to those who exude self-assurance and have a clear sense of purpose.

Building Genuine Connections

In relationships, whether romantic or platonic, authenticity is key. When you prioritize being true to yourself and your values, you attract individuals who appreciate and resonate with who you are. This forms the foundation for genuine connections built on mutual respect and understanding, rather than on the need for validation or approval.

Practicing Patience and Detachment

"I don't chase" also implies a sense of patience and detachment. It's about trusting that what is meant for you will come to you at the right time. This mindset encourages you to focus on your personal growth and goals, rather than anxiously pursuing external validation or outcomes. By letting go of the need to control every situation or person, you allow space for organic, meaningful connections to unfold.

Cultivating Magnetism through Positive Energy

Attractiveness goes beyond physical appearance; it includes the energy you radiate. When you focus on maintaining a positive mindset, nurturing healthy relationships, and contributing positively to your environment, you naturally become magnetic. People are drawn to positivity, kindness, and authenticity—qualities that "I don't chase, I simply attract" embodies.

"Energy is everything, it is not to be faked."
Maiiken Malicentto
Honoring Boundaries and Self-Respect

Lastly, embodying this mindset reinforces the importance of boundaries and self-respect. It empowers you to discern who and what aligns with your values and aspirations. By respecting your own boundaries and expectations, you invite others to do the same. This cultivates healthier, more fulfilling relationships where both parties feel valued and respected.

In conclusion, "I don't chase, I simply attract" is not merely a statement but a powerful philosophy that underscores the importance of self-worth, authenticity, and positive energy. By practicing this mindset, you cultivate a fulfilling life enriched by genuine connections and personal growth. Remember, the key lies in nurturing your inner strength and embracing the uniqueness that makes you inherently attractive.

My intention hopefully encouraged you to reflect upon where you are at vs. where you wanna go, and if you are burned or bored in your current circumstances. Knowing you have the ability to change it with practicing the above written. 

If you feel like you want to be more arounds these energies, then feel free to find me on the social medias, or take a read on my already best selling book (You can read it whilst waiting on the next one to be done and out there) 

Find more energetics here;

Instagram: maiken.aka.wrapwoman

Facebook: Maiken Bering Larsen

LinkedIn: Maiken Bering Larsen